If you go away, as I know you must
There is nothing left in this world to trust
гыыы, казааа!;)
If you go away, as I know you must
There is nothing left in this world to trust
цыц, зараза:D
Решила ми заматить:p
If you go away, as I know you must
There is nothing left in this world to trust
ммммм засранка))
а чу йа ничу))))))))
Ник: ГоООо
Сервер: БеЛыЙ
Уровень: 119
Вконтакте- id11916908
ыыы, пошлая ава!:p
If you go away, as I know you must
There is nothing left in this world to trust
Game over уже в который раз.
Это неизбежно
Пользователь :D
45 лет... хД
If you go away, as I know you must
There is nothing left in this world to trust